Thursday, November 14, 2019

Expecting the Unexpected...

Just when I think I know who I am or what I really like... someone goes & pushes these buttons I never new were there & Wow!!! 
Okay I’m gonna be good & just say you really never know until you try. This only makes me more sure that we were meant to explore, enjoy & expand our views whenever possible. 
How else can we know?
It already feels like I’ve waited too long to find things out & it’s not as if time is going to get longer. So what happens when I’m like 60 & find even more enjoyable things I’d like to umm explore? 
I’ll say “Damn, I wish I knew this back when...” ....MEANING NOW! 

Why do we all put off so much like we think suddenly we’re going to get more time to do these things? 

Or why be content with what’s okay when we can try “Amazing”? 
Yes I know etc... not wanting to end up alone blah blah blah... & maybe I’m the minority who actually sees possibility in everything, but how did we all get this way? 

The part that makes me most sad is that I know a lot of people will feel the way I do .....eventually, but it’ll be so much more difficult by then & it’ll most likely, end up becoming just a “thought” without any real follow-thru behind it....or worst yet, no ability to follow-thru. 
Maybe it’ll be better in the future? For the sake of those generations I hope it does, but my heart feels like it’s a longshot. :::sigh::: 

Anyway... I’m thankful to have any experiences open to me & that I now feel more open to see them for what they truly are (beautiful & exhilarating  moments I’m being given another chance to feel) & enjoy them immensely. 
Then when the time comes, and it will, where I’m sitting there  looking back at all the things I  felt may have been wrong at the time, now make me feel alive again, if even for a moment, as my mind transports me back to each one. I’ll only regret the experiences I didn’t get to have.

Every teen feels like anything they do will have life threatening consequences until they become an adult & realize it really wasn’t all that dramatic. 
That’s how I think we always feel as we move along....& always wishing to go back...or at least those of us who had those choices. 
After all life is just a bunch of our stories put together I think? 

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